
My Advent Art Adventure! Spaniel Puppy Painting

Advent Art Adventure

It has been my dream to become a more productive and prolific artist, but as someone who has sometimes added detail upon detail to my paintings and spent days and occasionally weeks on one painting it wasn’t going to happen without a change of pace, scale and a challenge.

I’ve already started with an intention to create a small painting every day, but I haven’t been organised enough so far to share them. So today (eventually) I am commiting to add a small painting here every day for Advent. Mostly they will be of animals, and that theme may continue, but I’ll see what happens!

Spaniel Puppy Painting

Here’s my first painting for advent – 1st December 2013.

I met this Spaniel pup at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum’s hill climb event in June, so I’m pleased to be  painting a fellow motorsport enthusiast here! This watercolour is the first of two paintings of the same wee dog – just irresistible.

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Spaniel Puppy watercolour by Debra Wenlock





















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